FMB Digital Media has implemented and executed hundreds of successful multifaceted digital campaigns over the years.
We can create an overarching media plan working closely with your goals and objectives and help to define each of your target markets. We will suggest best practices, review your current creative to see if you need to upgrade or if we can repurpose. We provide you with specs and deadlines of the placements we know we will be using so your creative department can get ahead. If you don’t have an in-house department, we can create and design your ads for you at a cost-effective rate. We put together a strategy, define our KPIs and make sure we are meeting and exceeding industry benchmarks. We can set up your tracking pixels and traffic your creative. We optimize on a daily basis and provide weekly easy to read reporting to impress stakeholders with your success.
FMB Digital Media Services include:
Planning & review of current and past initiatives for key findings
Strategic recommendations and optimization ideas for increased awareness
Best practices and guidelines
Message testing
Provide estimates/avails
Assist with RFPs
Negotiating upwards of 30% added value in bonus impressions
Our Programmatic Media offerings are as follows:
Targeting Tactics, geo fencing, geo farming
Campaign executions on desktop, tablet, mobile, app and cross-channel
Predictive & Behavioral Marketing
Social Advertising
Social Media; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more
Generating Awareness, post engagement, page likes, local awareness, brand awareness & unique reach
Social Influencers pre-vetted as persuasive trusted messengers
AdvancedTV Advertising (CTV-OTT-FEP) – Digital TV and YouTube for Cord-Cutters
Private Marketplace (PMP) for premium placement
Native Advertising
Programmatic Streaming Audio- Network including Pandora, Spotify and more
List Link (CRM Database)
Contextual Marketing
Site retargeting
Email Marketing & retargeting and HTML design
Surveys/custom landing pages in multiple languages